The Gospel of Matthew In comparison to the other three gospel accounts, is clearly in Hebrew. Matthew wrote from the perspective of Old Testament prophecy to show the fulfillment of the New Testament in the person of Jesus Christ.
The Gospel of Matthew is known for its peculiarities such as the story of the birth of Jesus, the Beatitudes in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus‘ encounter with the Pharisees and detailed descriptions of end-time events.
As presents this important book, we will pay attention to the details without forgetting the main points and ideas of Matthew. Together with our previous research on Luke and John, we complete the full account of Jesus’ coming and work on earth. Every Christian can take advantage of such excuses.
Gospel of Matthew’s main theme and purpose
The Book of Matthew is the first gospel (the story of Jesus’ life and ministry) in the New Testament. In Matthew Jesus teaches the people what it means to be part of His kingdom, “the kingdom of heaven“. He was betrayed and crucified. He stood back up and directed his students to spread the good news.
Who wrote the Gospel of matthew?
The Apostle Matthew (who is traditionally credited with writing this book) appears to have written this gospel to Christian readers who were Jewish or who knew Judaism well. Who was Matthew in the bible, he was also one of the four evangelists and therefore also known as the Evangelist Matthew.
Matthew presents Jesus as the Messiah (Matt. 1: 1), the promised descendant of King David, who will bring God’s kingdom to the world and create a time of peace and justice. Matthew bible verses quotes extensively from the Old Testament and places special emphasis on the fulfillment of Jesus’ prophecy – which will be of importance to Jewish society. Matthew bible verses tells the story of Jesus with an emphasis on his role as the Messiah or Christ:
Jesus is the Son of God
He was received by the Holy Spirit in Mary’s body (Matthew 1: 18-20), and God supported Jesus as His beloved Son (Matthew 3:17). He is God incarnate who lived among humans (Matthew 1:23).
Jesus is king
He is the son of King David (Matt. 1: 1). Jesus repeatedly stated that the kingdom of heaven was near (Matt. 4:17) and told many parables about it. The book of Matthew mentions the “kingdom of heaven” of “the kingdom of God” more than any other gospel.
Jesus is the promised Savior
He is the son of Abraham through whom God promised to bless all nations of the earth. Matthew emphasized the Old Testament prophecy that Jesus fulfilled from his birth (Matt. 1: 22-23; 2: 5–6, 17–18) through his ministry to his death and resurrection. He lived a righteous life, taught us what it means to be righteous, and died on the cross so that we could be righteous before God.
Matthew bible begins with a simple statement about who Jesus is (the Messiah) and ends with a simple statement about what we should do (make His disciples).
Who wrote the Gospel of Matthew?
Apart from being the first book in the New Testament, Matthew’s Gospel account is considered by many to be the most complete account of Jesus, who he was and what he did during his time on earth.
While the four Gospels of Matthew are not named, early church leaders believed that Matthew, a former tax collector and one of the 12 apostles of Jesus Christ, was the author of this book. Matthew, whose name signifies “God’s gift“, is likewise alluded to as “Levi” in Mark 2: 13-17 and Luke 5: 27-28.
Matthew began to follow Jesus on his journey, and his gospel account contains the story of his own call to become a disciple. He is an eye witness to these events and a member of Jesus’ inner circle.
“In the other gospels there are no systematic teachings of Jesus,” wrote theologian William Barkley in his preface to the Gospel of Matthew. What’s more, above all, the gospel is tied in with indicating us Jesus as the person who was destined to be King.”
Since the Gospel of Matthew is related to the Gospel of Mark, some scholars have debated whether Matthew was really the author and wondered why an eyewitness mentioned the story of another eyewitness. In any case, no other creator has been recommended, and most researchers concur with Matthew as the creator.
when was the gospel of matthew written and place of writing Gospel of Matthew
Because of its Jewish characteristics, some claim that the Gospel of Matthew was written during the early church, perhaps as early as AD. 50, when the church was predominantly Jewish and the gospel was preached only to Jews (Acts 11:19). However, those who conclude that both Matthew and Luke drew a lot from Mark’s gospel later found out about it after Mark’s gospel was circulated for a while.
See Essay and Diagram, p. 1943. Hence, some believe that Matthew was written in the late 50’s or 60’s. Others who believe Mark was written between 65 and 70 place Matthew in the 1970’s or even later. However, there is not enough evidence to be dogmatic on either side.
The Jewish character of Matthew’s Gospel can indicate that it was written in the Holy Land, although many believe that it originated in Antioch, Syria.
Matthews’s summary context and background
The Gospel of Matthew is believed to have been written somewhere between 50 and 110 AD, perhaps AD 70. Given that the story was written in Greek instead of Aramaic, and remembering that most of the languages in the Books indicate that the reader was familiar with Jewish customs and terms. The audience appears to be made up of former Jews who converted to Christianity, most likely those living in urban areas such as Palestine or Antioch.
Gospel of Matthew Outline or summary
After Jesus’ death and resurrection, there was great interest in who Jesus was. The story of Matthew describes many of these things in a complete and systematic manner, from the genealogy of Jesus and the circumstances of his birth to teachings, healings, and other miracles. The story goes beyond historical information and serves as a complete biography.
He used stories about Jesus to help people understand who Jesus was – the Messiah, the Savior of Israel. Discipleship, church leadership, and preparation for the end times are other topics.
This book begins with a story about the origins of Jesus: the genealogical relationships that link him to David and Abraham, the events surrounding his birth with the Virgin Mary, his family’s flight to Egypt to seek refuge from the slaughter of young children. Children arranged by King Herod and further education at Nazareth.
The book then turns to the beginnings of Jesus’ public ministry, including his baptism by the prophet John, his trials in the wilderness after a 40-day fast, and the calling of his first disciples. This public ministry is a large part of Matthew’s Gospel, and the story seems to consist largely of the five main sermons, or sermons of Jesus:
The first is the Sermon on the Mount, which covers the main principles of Christian discipleship and includes the Beatitudes (Matthew 5), a series of blessings that provide a new standard of living centered on compassion, humility and love. It also contains lessons on prayer, including Our Father (Matthew 6), as well as Jesus’ teachings on adultery, anger, false prophets, love for enemies, and more.
The second is often referred to as a “small task” when Jesus sent His 12 apostles (Matthew 10) to perform healings and other miracles. This happened immediately after Matthew related a series of miracles performed by Jesus, including the healing of a leper and the healing of two people who were possessed by demons.
The third focuses on several important parables about the kingdom of heaven, all of which are meant to describe God’s plan – the parables of the sower, the tares, the mustard seeds, yeast, pearls, nets, and so on.
The fourth focus is on the Church. Jesus told his disciples about his coming death and resurrection, and here he gave direction on how they would lead the community of followers in the future, especially through humility and slavery. He used the parable of the wandering sheep and the cruel servant to illustrate his claim.
The fifth and final sermon on the Mount of Olives (Matthew 24-25) focuses on the “end of the age” and the judgment that will ultimately come. “Be prepared” and “behave well” were common themes in parables offered by Jesus, such as the ten virgins, the golden sack (also known as the parable of the talents), and sheep and goats.
Other passages in book of the Matthew describe the final week of Jesus’ life, from his triumphant arrival to Jerusalem to his final supper, his treachery in the garden and his arrest, torture, crucifixion, death and resurrection. The story ends with Jesus after the resurrection, who revealed the so-called great commission to his disciples and asked them to continue his work on earth to continue the kingdom of heaven.
Go thusly and become pupils of each country and nation, baptize them for the sake of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and instruct them to comply with all that I have commanded you. And I am always with you to the end of the age” (Matthew 28: 19-20).
The main parts of the Gospel according to Matthew are as follows
- Childhood Story (1: 1–2: 23)
- Proclamation of the kingdom (3: 1–7: 29)
- Ministry and Mission to Galilee (8: 1–11: 1)
- Opposition from Israel (11: 2–13: 53)
- Jesus,Kingdom and the Church (13: 54–18: 35)
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What can we learn from the Gospel of Matthew today?
The counter messages of Jesus in Matthew’s Gospel have a profound influence on many Christians today who are trying to live Christ Like lives in an increasingly secular, pleasure-seeking society. In the Beatitudes, Jesus’ message to care for others and to satisfy what we have stands in stark contrast to the “I was” and “buy now” messages displayed on our cell phones or television screens. And many can liken Jesus’ message from the parable of the sower to the minor worries and worldly distractions that lead many of us today to live the gospel.
Book of Matthew summary is a phenomenal literary work designed to portray Jesus as the supreme Jewish hero: the messianic son of David, the prophet who surpassed Moses, and the descendant of Abraham who blessed all nations. These main themes are incorporated into the prologue of the book, explored in the large center, and then resolved at the climax.
Most of Matthew’s book is divided into five main sections (which may relate to the five laws of Moses). Each section begins with a story about Jesus’ life and ministry and ends with a long series of teachings of Jesus called “discourses“.