Book of Exodus

Overview of Exodus

The book of exodus is the second book in the old testament of the bible. It is the book of national redemption. It is also the second book of the Pentateuch. The title of the book in Hebrew is “The names”. The English title is an exodus and the meaning is “way out.”

This book is about the great deliverance of Israel people from Egypt and forging a special relationship with them and appearing at Mt.sinai. The book of exodus begins with Egypt and ends at Mt.sinai. Here we find the stories of the ten plagues, the first Passover, the parting of the red sea, and the ten commandments.

The Israel people went from a rich river to a desert. They are also gone through the natural appearance of food to the supernatural appearance, from slavery to freedom, from despair to hope, from serving Egyptians to being served by God.

This book takes us through about 82 years. The book gets its name when the nation of Israel people emigrate from Egypt but that’s only the first part of the story.

This is the first book in which God first layout his expectations for Israel people. Most of the old testament is about How Israel people meet or fail to meet these expectations. Exodus will help in basic understanding so that you will be able to understand the other books of the old testament.

Who wrote the book of exodus?

Moses is credited as the human author of the old testament book of exodus. It is the part of the Torah and it is also known as the law of Moses.

Moses is the main character in this book and He is the one who received directives from God. Divisions: The outline of Exodus can be divided into three parts:

  • The redemption from Egypt, Exodus chapters 1-19
  • The giving of the law, Exodus chapters 20-31
  • The response of the people chapters 32-40

In these chapters we find the story of Moses, ten plagues of Egypt, the crossing of the red sea, manna, water from the rock, the appearance of God, giving ten commandments, instructions for the tabernacle, the golden calf, the building of the tabernacle and the coming of God to dwell in the tabernacle.

There is a single key phrase that is prominent in this book. It is the phrase “I am the lord” and it is used 16 times. The word lord is found as 386 times. Direct quotes from the exodus were found in 12 different books in the new testament. God revealed himself throughout the book:

  • He is the one who controls history ( chapter 1)
  • He revealed himself in a new name (3:14)
  • He is the sovereign of the covenant relationship( 19:5)
  • Faithful redeemer( 6:6,15:13)
  • Judge of his own people(4:14;20:5)
  • Transcendent one(33:20)

How many chapters in exodus

There are a complete of 40 chapters within the Book of Exodus. the primary half the chapters tell the story of how God used Moses to save lots of his people.

Outline of Exodus

Exodus timeline chart

Israel in Egypt: 1:1-12-36

A. God chooses Moses, 11-24:31

  • The oppression of Israel, 1:1-4:31
  • The preparation of Moses, 2:1-25
  • The call of Moses, 3:1-4:31

B. God sends Moses to Pharaoh, 5:1-7:1

  • First encounter with Pharaoh
  • The second encounter with Pharaoh

C. God authenticates Moses by the plagues, 7:14-12:36

  • First plague: blood, 7:14-24
  • Second plague: frogs, 7:25-8:15
  • Third plague: gnats, 8:16-19
  • Fourth plague: flies, 8:20-32
  • Fifth plague: diseases on livestock, 9:1-7
  • Sixth plague: boils, 9:8-12
  • Seventh plague: hail, 9:13-15
  • Eighth plague: locusts, 10:1-20
  • Ninth plague: darkness, 10:21-29
  • Tenth plague: death,11:1-12:36

Israel’s journey to Sinai, 12:37- 18:27

  1. The departure from Egypt, 12: 37-51
  2. The dedication of firstborn, 13:1-16
  3. The direction of the cloud and fire, 13:17-22
  4. The drying of the red sea, 14:1-22
  5. The destruction of pursuing Egyptians, 14:23-31
  6. The deliverance was sung by Moses and people, 15:1-21
  7. The Dissatisfaction of the people, 15:22-17:7
  8. The defeat of Amalek, 17:8-16

Israel at Sinai: Ex 19:1-40:38

  1. The giving of the law, 19:1-40:38
  2. The institution of the Tabernacle, 25:1-31-18
  3. The breaking of the law,32:1-34:35
  4. The construction of Tabernacle, 35:1-40:38

The Important characters in exodus are

God(Yahweh): He is the creator of heaven and the earth. He chooses the people of Israel to represent Him on earth. God fought against the gods of Egypt and freed Israel from their bondage and then made them a new nation.

Yahweh selected the descendants of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob as his people that will serve Him alone. Moses: He is the greatest of the old testament prophets who serves as a mediator between God and humans in the book of exodus.

Moses negotiates with the king of Egypt Pharaoh for Israel’s people and passes God’s law to the people of Israel and pleads for mercy on Israel’s when they anger God. Aaron: He was the brother of Moses and his right hand. He is made as the high priest of the nation of Israel.

He also assists as a spokesperson to Moses. Pharaoh: He is the chief antagonist in the exodus. Pharaoh is worshipped by the Egyptian pantheon. God defeated Pharaoh and the people of Egypt by sending ten plagues. He also destroyed Pharaoh’s army on the Red sea.

10 plagues in Exodus

  1. Turning water into blood (exodus 7:14-24)
  2. Frogs ( exodus 7:25- 8:12)
  3. Lice ( exodus 8:16-19)
  4. Flies or wild animals (exodus 8: 20-32)
  5. Pestilence in livestock ( Exodus 9: 1-7)
  6. Boils (Exodus 9:8-12)
  7. Thunderstorms of hail ( exodus 9:13-35)
  8. Locusts (Exodus 10: 1-20)
  9. Darkness for 3 days( exodus 10:21-29)
  10. Death of firstborn (Exodus 11, 12: 1-30)

10 commandments in exodus

  1. You shall not have any other Gods ( Exodus 20:3)
  2. You shall not make any graven images ( Exodus 20:4-6)
  3. You shall not take the name of the Lord unimportant ( Exodus 20:7)
  4. You shall Remember to keep holy the sabbath day ( Exodus 20:8-11)
  5. Honor your father and mother ( Exodus 20:12)
  6. You shall not murder ( Exodus 20:13)
  7. You shall not commit any adultery ( Exodus 20: 14)
  8. You shall not steal ( Exodus 20:15)
  9. You shall not bear any false witness on your neighbor’s ( Exodus 20: 16)
  10. You shall not covet with your neighbor’s wife ( Exodus 20: 17)

Exodus in context

Exodus is the story and it is a starburst of old and new testament theology. God has already made promises to Abraham in Genesis as his descendants would be mighty people and they will possess the land of Canaan and through them, the whole earth will be blessed by God.

When we see in Genesis God is working through the family but whereas is Exodus God is working through the entire nation.

Key themes in exodus

In Exodus, we see God making Israel people as his own. In the entire book of exodus, God hears the cries of Israel people for help. God rescued them from their oppressors and made them his own people.


God also makes a binding agreement with the people of Israel by establishing himself as their God and them as his people.

Book of Exodus summary

The book of Exodus starts where Genesis leaves off. It is also called the book of Moses in the bible. Egypt is the young nation of Israel.

Pharaoh noticed Israel and enslaved them. Forty years later God chooses Moses to deliver Israel from the hand of the pharaoh. God also makes a covenant with the people of Israel.


Who wrote the book of Exodus?

Tradition attributes the authorship of Exodus to Moses, who is believed to have written it under divine inspiration.

Who wrote book of Exodus?

According to tradition, Moses wrote the book of Exodus, chronicling the Israelites’ journey from slavery in Egypt to receiving the law at Mount Sinai.

What is the book of Exodus about?

Exodus recounts the liberation of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt, the giving of the Ten Commandments, and the establishment of the covenant between God and Israel.

How many chapters are in the book of Exodus?

Exodus consists of 40 chapters.

How many chapters in the book of Exodus?

There are 40 chapters in the book of Exodus.

What is the book of Exodus about in the Bible?

In the Bible, Exodus narrates God’s deliverance of the Israelites from Egypt, the journey through the wilderness, and the establishment of the Mosaic Covenant.

When was the book of Exodus written?

The book of Exodus was likely written between the 15th and 13th centuries BCE, during the Israelites’ early history.

What is the book of Exodus in the Bible about?

Exodus in the Bible recounts the pivotal events of Israelite history: their enslavement in Egypt, the leadership of Moses, the plagues, the Exodus itself, and the receiving of the Law at Mount Sinai.

What does the book of Exodus teach us?

The book of Exodus teaches lessons about God’s faithfulness, justice, and redemption, as well as the importance of obedience and the establishment of moral and ethical guidelines.

What is book of Exodus about?

The book of Exodus is about the liberation of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt, their journey through the wilderness, and the establishment of their covenant with God.

What is in the book of Exodus?

The book of Exodus contains narratives of the Israelites’ oppression in Egypt, the birth and calling of Moses, the ten plagues, the crossing of the Red Sea, the giving of the Ten Commandments, and laws for worship and society.

What is the book of Exodus?

Exodus is the second book of the Bible, detailing the Israelites’ escape from Egypt under Moses’ leadership and their formation as a nation under God’s covenant.

Who wrote the book of Exodus in the Bible?

Moses is traditionally regarded as the author of Exodus, recording the events of Israel’s liberation from Egypt and their journey to the Promised Land.

What happens in the book of Exodus?

In Exodus, God delivers the Israelites from slavery in Egypt through miraculous signs and plagues, leads them through the wilderness, and establishes a covenant with them at Mount Sinai.

What is the main message of the book of Exodus?

The main message of Exodus is God’s faithfulness to His promises, His power to deliver His people from oppression, and the establishment of the covenant relationship with Israel.

What is the book of the covenant in Exodus 24?

The Book of the Covenant in Exodus 24 refers to the laws and regulations given by God to Moses, including civil and religious laws that form the basis of Israelite society.

What genre is the book of Exodus?

Exodus is primarily classified as historical narrative, recounting the events of Israel’s early history and their covenant with God.

What is the central theme of the book of Exodus?

The central theme of Exodus is liberation and redemption, both physically from slavery in Egypt and spiritually through the establishment of the covenant with God.

What type of book is Exodus?

Exodus is a foundational religious text, blending historical narrative with legal and theological elements essential to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

Who was the book of Exodus written to?

Exodus was written to the ancient Israelites to preserve their history, laws, and covenant with God, serving as a foundational text for their identity and faith.

Why was the book of Exodus written?

Exodus was written to recount the miraculous deliverance of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt, to establish the basis of their covenant with God, and to provide legal and moral guidance.

A reading from the book of Exodus

A reading from Exodus could include passages about the burning bush, the ten plagues, the crossing of the Red Sea, the giving of the Ten Commandments, or laws for worship and society.

A summary of the book of Exodus

Exodus is a narrative of God’s redemption of the Israelites from Egypt, their journey through the wilderness, the giving of the law, and the construction of the tabernacle.

Did Moses write the book of Exodus?

Yes, according to tradition, Moses wrote Exodus, documenting the events of Israel’s liberation and covenant with God.

How long is the book of Exodus?

Exodus comprises 40 chapters and is a medium-length book in the Bible.

How many chapters are there in the book of Exodus?

Exodus contains 40 chapters in total.

How many plagues are in the book of Exodus?

There are ten plagues recounted in the book of Exodus, sent upon Egypt as signs of God’s power to compel Pharaoh to release the Israelites.

How many verses are in the book of Exodus?

The book of Exodus contains approximately 1,213 verses.

How many years does the book of Exodus cover?

The book of Exodus covers a period of several decades, from the birth of Moses to the construction of the tabernacle in the wilderness.

Is Exodus the first book of the Bible?

No, Genesis is the first book of the Bible. Exodus is the second book, continuing the narrative from the time of the patriarchs to the Israelites’ liberation from Egypt.

Is the book of Exodus Christian?

Yes, the book of Exodus is part of the Christian Old Testament, detailing God’s covenant with Israel and His deliverance of His people.

Is the book of Exodus in the Bible?

Yes, Exodus is the second book of both the Jewish Torah and the Christian Old Testament, recounting the early history of the Israelites.

Is the book of Exodus in the Old Testament?

Yes, Exodus is one of the books in the Old Testament, detailing the foundational history and covenant of the Israelite people with God.

What are the 10 plagues in the book of Exodus?

The ten plagues in Exodus are: water turned to blood, frogs, gnats (or lice), flies, livestock pestilence, boils, hail, locusts, darkness, and the death of the firstborn.

What does the book of Exodus mean?

Exodus means “departure” or “exit” in Greek, reflecting the Israelites’ departure from Egypt. It also signifies liberation and freedom.

What does the book of Exodus mean in the Bible?

In the Bible, Exodus refers to the departure of the Israelites from Egypt, their liberation from slavery, and their journey to Mount Sinai to receive God’s law.

What does the book of Exodus talk about?

Exodus talks about the Israelites’ enslavement in Egypt, God’s miraculous deliverance through Moses, the establishment of the covenant at Sinai, and the building of the tabernacle.

What does the book of Exodus tell us?

Exodus tells us about God’s faithfulness, justice, and mercy in delivering His people from oppression, establishing a covenant, and providing laws for living in community.

What herbs are mentioned in the book of Exodus?

In Exodus, herbs such as hyssop are mentioned in rituals like the sprinkling of blood during Passover and purification rites, symbolizing cleansing and renewal.

What is book of Exodus all about?

Exodus is all about the liberation of the Israelites from Egypt, the giving of the law, and the establishment of God’s covenant with His people.

What is the book of Exodus about summary?

In summary, Exodus recounts the Israelites’ deliverance from slavery, the giving of the Ten Commandments, and the establishment of God’s covenant with them.

What is the book of Exodus all about?

Exodus is primarily about the liberation of the Israelites from Egypt, their journey to Mount Sinai, and the establishment of God’s covenant and laws.

What is the book of Exodus mainly about?

The book of Exodus mainly focuses on God’s deliverance of His people from slavery, the formation of the Israelite nation, and the giving of the Mosaic Law.

What is the literary style of the book of Exodus?

The literary style of Exodus is historical narrative, interspersed with legal texts (such as the laws given at Sinai) and poetic elements (like the Song of Moses).

What is the main theme of the book of Exodus?

The main theme of Exodus is liberation and covenant, as God delivers the Israelites from bondage, establishes His covenant with them, and guides them to the Promised Land.

What is the meaning of the book of Exodus?

The meaning of Exodus lies in God’s faithfulness to His promises, His justice against oppression, and His establishment of a covenant relationship with His people.

What is the purpose of the book of Exodus?

The purpose of Exodus is to record the foundational events of Israel’s history, demonstrate God’s power and faithfulness, and establish the basis for Israel’s covenant relationship with God.

What is the significance of the book of Exodus?

The significance of Exodus lies in its portrayal of God’s deliverance and guidance, the establishment of Israel as His chosen people, and the foundation of ethical and moral principles.

What is the theme of the book of Exodus?

The theme of Exodus centers on liberation, covenant, and divine presence, as God redeems His people, establishes His law, and dwells among them in the tabernacle.

What the book of Exodus is all about?

The book of Exodus is all about God’s deliverance of the Israelites from slavery, His establishment of the Mosaic Covenant, and His guidance through the wilderness to the Promised Land.