Praise in Jeremiah
- His intimate knowledge of each of us even before we were born (1:5)
- His immeasurable mercy toward repentant sinners (3:11-13)
- His delight to be known (9:23-24)
- His patience with his servants, like jeremiah (12:1-15; 20:7-12)
- The sureness of trusting in god (17:5-10)
- The promises of a savior that god revealed through jeremiah (23:5-6)
- The punishment that god exercises to bring about good (29:10-14)
- His promise that we will find him if we earnestly seek him (29:13)
- Faithful ancestors who create a heritage of godliness (35:12-19)
- His superiority over the powers of this world (51:24-26).
Worship in Jeremiah
- God is the God of all nations (1:5; 16:19-21).
- God enjoys being called “Father” and being followed faithfully (3:19).
- Lack of the fear of God leads to sinful rebellion (5:20-25).
- God despises the empty worship of those who continue in sinful practices (7:2-11).
- Worship should be done in humility (10:23-25).
- It is important to keep the Sabbath day holy (17:19-27).
- Even punishment from God can cause others to recognize his ways (22:6-9).
- Prophets who contradict God’s word must not be followed (27:12-22).
- God’s promise of restoration is an ongoing hope (33:6-12).
- Pagan worship will not go unpunished (44:15-28).